Tuesday, 6 September 2016



How to Provide Help

  • Login to your MMM PO.
  • Click on “Provide Help”
  • Click on the box indicating that you have read the warning, then click on Next
  • Click on Other bank (for Naira) or Bitcoin (for bitcoin) then click on Next
  • Type in your Deposit amount, then click on Select(in front of deposit amount)
  • Type in your Leftover Distribution, Same amount as your deposit.
  • If this is your first deposit, make sure you click on the box to get your bonus.
  • Click on Next.
  • Type in the Image code, then click on Next
  • Confirm your deposit amount, then click on Next
  • Your request has been added, click on “OK”

Registration Bonus

$20    For donation of $50-$499 (N17,000- N159,890). Frozen for 14 days.

$50    For donation of $500-$2,999 (162,000- N1,098,890).  Frozen for 30 days

$100    For donation of $3,000(N1,099,000) and above.   Frozen for 30 days.

How to Get Help

  • First of all click on Mavro and then click on “Available for withdrawal” to know how much you can withdraw. Note that it is ONLY green mavros that are withdrawable.
  • Click on Dashboard
  • Click on “Get Help”
  • Select Bank Account or Card Registered earlier is marked, Click on Next
  • Select your bank account, Click on Next
  • Select the Mavo Amount that you want to withdraw, Click on “all” in front of each mavro and it will provide a total. If you want to withdraw all your green mavros, Click on Cash out Mavros and the system will generate the total.
  • Click on Next
  • Confirm your request. At this juncture, review your bank account details(being displayed up). Check very well to ensure that your bank account details(Name and account number) are still correct.
  • Click on Next, then click on OK
  • Click on “Dashboard” to view your details.



How to Complete Payment for Naira Transaction – Request to Provide Help

·         Login to your MMM PO.
·         Click on “Details” on the order
·         Copy the Bank account details of the recipient.
·         Send the amount to the recipient either by transfer via online banking or bank deposit.
·         Take a screenshot of the Send Complete(successful transfer) Page and save it.  Save it where you can easily find it. In case of cash deposit, snap the teller and save it. If you carry out the transfer on ATM snap the ATM screen when you have the following:
           (i)  Details of transfer showing the name and account number of the recipient.
           (ii) Successful transfer page.
Screenshot of email debit alert or SMS debit alert can also be used.  This is your Proof of  Payment(POP)
·         Go back to MMM Dashboard
·         On the order, click on the blue “play” button or click Details and scroll down to the bottom of the pop up page.
·         Click on “I Completed this payment”
·         Click on “Browse File”, Search for the screenshot or snapshot of your proof of payment.
·         Attach file. Wait till the POP is fully uploaded.
          NOTE: If you want to upload more than one POP, upload them one-by-one.
·         Click on Next
·         Click on Next
After successful uploading, the blue button will turn to half-green half-black button 

How to Save Screenshot

·         If you are using a mobile phone, follow the steps used to save screenshot according to the phone make.
·         For a Computer: While on the Send Complete Page, Click on Prt Scrn on the keyboard of your Computer.
·         Click on Start>All programs>Accessories, then Paint
·         Click on Edit, then Paste
·         Save file.
·         Note:  There are many programs that you can use to do screenshot. For example, Snipping Tool, Green Dot, just use what you are comfortable with.


Letters of happiness are written by participants after confirming their Get Help (GH) orders. These letters are published in MMM website daily at http://nigeria-mmm.net/wineletters
You can open the link to see samples.
According to the System rules, within 3 days after receiving assistance (Asking for Help), you must write a letter of happiness which will be posted in the section “Testimonials” on the MMM website.

The letter is a free form, but it should contain:
1. Your name (nickname is allowed).

2. Status (member, 10+ Guider, etc.)

3. Residence (for example, “I’m from Lagos, Nigeria; or “I’m from Jos” ).

4. The amount and date of the help you provide.

5. The amount and date of help you have received.

Write all these in the text box.
When you are submitting a letter of happiness without a video, make sure you uncheck the box for
video before you click on SEND button.

When you write a letter of happiness and upload a video showing your face, you’ll earn a bonus of 5% of the amount of help you have received.

1. Create a video of yourself, stating your name, your status (ordinary participant, 10+ Guider, etc),
your location Nigeria, date and amount of help you have provided, date and amount of help you
have received, then thanking MMM and its founder for this opportunity.

2. Open http://youtube.com and sign in with your Google account.

3. Click on Upload button and upload your video you have recorded. Give it a title like, for instance “MMM ”.  Wait for your video to be fully uploaded.

4. Make sure you select “Public” for privacy setting so that your video can be watched by everybody.

5. Copy the share link for your published video.

6. Now go to your MMM PO and click on write letter of happiness.

7. Type all what you want to say in the text box.

8. Paste your video link (which you have copied from youtube) in the box for video link.
Upon approval, your video will be published alongside your letter of happiness in the website.

9. Click on SEND.


How to Confirm Funds Received – Request to Get Help

  • Login to your MMM PO
  • On the order, click on the half-green half-black button  or “Details”
  • Click on Confirm Funds Reception
  • Click on “OK”
Letter of Happiness
According to the System rules, within 3 days after receiving assistance (Asking for Help), you must write a "letter of happiness" which will be posted in the section "Testimonials" on the MMM website.

The letter is a free form, but it should contain:

1. Your name (nickname is allowed).
2. Status (member, 10+ Guider, etc.)
3. Residence (for example, "I'm from Lagos, Nigeria" or "I'm from Jos" ).
4. The amount and date of the help you provide.
5. The amount and date of help you get.

*Please note that letter of happiness is mandatory.


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